Environmental Excellence

UST Removal Marysville Airfield
Yuba County, California

Project Information
UST Removal Marysville Airfield<br>
Yuba County, California
  • UST Removal
  • Regulatory Agency Liaison
  • Historical Records Review
  • Geophysical Investigation
  • Tank Content Characterization
  • Abandonment In-Place

Three fueling system groups at the former Marysville Army Airfield were characterized and removed or abandoned. Each fueling system group consisted of pump islands, piping, control vaults and underground storage tanks.

All tank closures were conducted in accordance with Yuba County guidelines.

Impacted soils were characterized and sent offsite for recycling. Clean soil was brought to the site for backfilling.

The final report was issued along with a request for a closure letter from the State of California documenting "No Further Action Required" for all three sites.

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