Peer Review Services and Agency Interactions
Huntington Park, CA
- Recommendations Based on Review of Historical Site Assessments and Investigations Providing Remediation Cost Estimates Data Compilation and GIS Services
The environmental services that Eco hasprovided for Huntington Park include:
- Review of more than 8 years of assessments and investigations by other consultants
- Provide recommendations for additional investigations
- Assist the City and its counsil on technical matters with DTSC as the project work is being undertaken under its Voluntary Cleanup Program
- Prepare remediation cost estimates and assist City staff during City Council meetings and presentation of project status reports
- Assist City staff on matters relating to third-party operations that may have impacted site conditions
- Assist City staff in Contractor selection for site clean-up/remediation
Environmental issues at the site have included the presence and removal of USTs, shallow soil contamination with heavy metals and PAHs, soil vapor impact by chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and possible groundwater contamination by VOCs.