Union Pacific Railroad Corridor Soil Investigations
City of Pomona, CA
- Work Plan and Site Specific Health & Safety Plan
- Phase I ESA
- Phase II Soil Investigation
- Solid Waste Disposal
- Site Characterization
- Environmental Drilling and Sampling
Eco was tasked to perform environmental studies at planned construction areas within the Union Pacific Railroad Corridor included in the Alameda Corridor East construction project. This project consisted of railroad improvements along approximately 2.5 miles of railroad corridor in the City of Pomona. The site consists 37 right-of-way takings planned for temporary or permanent easements.
The particular tasks completed included:
- Review of available information to describe the general geology and hydrogeology at the site
- Review of historic aerial photographs and Sanborn Insurance Maps, as available
- Search of regulatory records regarding possible hazardous material handling, spills, storage or production at the site or in the site vicinity
- Reconnaissance of the site and immediately surrounding area
- Development of conclusions and findings
- Preparation of a report (Phase I) describing the assessment and presenting the results and findings
- Preparation of Work Plan and Health & Safety Plan for the advancement and sampling of 15 borings at areas of concern within the site
- Soil investigation (Phase II) for the assessment of the presence of metals, pesticides, herbicides, and petroleum hydrocarbons in soil underlying the site
- Preparation of a report summarizing the results of the Phase II soil investigation, including a summary of what was accomplished, pertinent findings, and recommendations for remediation
Based on the findings of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, a soil investigation was recommended for all areas of planned construction that required excavation of soil beneath the site.
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