Environmental Excellence

Mitra Fiuzat, Ph.D.

Professional Summary
  • Ph.D., Microbiology North Carolina State University 1996
  • B.S., Microbiology University of Louisiana 1987
  • 40-Hour Hazardous Waste Operation Training
  • Laboratory and field bioventing
  • Preliminary environmental site assessments
  • Extensive industrial hygiene practices
  • Indoor environmental quality investigations
  • Sludge/water sampling plan for wastewater treatment plants
  • Microbial sampling and identification
  • Data analysis and QA/QC

will serve as Remedial Investigation/Site Characterization Task Leader. She has experience in conducting human health risk assessments for sites impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, and pesticides; preliminary environmental site assessments; site bioremediation; developing a sludge/water sampling plan for wastewater treatment plants; evaluating cleanup goals using risk-based corrective action for soil impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons; industrial hygiene investigations; indoor air quality sampling; and microbial-related consulting services.

Relevant Experiance

Project Manager – Site Characterization / Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study,
Superfund Site, Arvin, CA:

Dr. Fiuzat managed a remedial investigation and feasibility (RI/FS) study under EPA, Region IX for a CERCLA site in Arvin, California.
The site is a former pesticide reformulation facility that ceased operation in the mid-1980s. Contamination at the site consisted of pesticide and herbicide residuals in a complex soil and groundwater matrix. In addition to completion of the RI/FS reports, work involved installing monitoring wells, soil borings, quarterly groundwater monitoring, data analysis, and chemical fate and transport modeling. Characterization of liquid and sludge wastes in on-site aboveground storage tanks (ASTs), and maintenance of the RCRA cap covering a portion of the site was also provided.

Project Manager – Site Y at Camp Haan,
Riverside County, CA:

Camp Haan, a former prisoner of war/troop assembly area located next to March Air Reserve Base, is part of the USACE Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) Program. Site Y, at Camp Haan, consists of a former landfill that contained an incinerator and waste and ash associated with the landfill. Eco, as the major subcontractor to Panacea, Inc., conducted a preliminary assessment/site inspection for the 76-acre site. The total contract value for Eco was $1.2M. In March 2007, Eco was selected by USACE to continue working at Camp Haan and conduct quarterly groundwater sampling for which Dr. Fiuzat has provided project management. Eco personnel have been involved in the investigations at the Site since 2005.

Task Manager – Real Estate Development Authority (RDA), Phase I ESA and Phase II Site Investigation,
City of Carson, CA:

Dr. Fiuzat performed as Task Manager for an undeveloped property located in the City of Carson, California that had been identified as a hazardous waste site during a Phase I ESA conducted in 1990. Eco’s excavation activities revealed that the contaminated soil was far in excess of the 5 feet depths estimated by the previous contractor. With the concurrence of the client, Eco collected seven soil samples, which were analyzed for TPH and VOCs, and then excavated six exploratory trenches adjacent to and within the site to delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of impacted soil. Visibly contaminated soil was encountered within four trenches at depths of 17 feet bgs. Based on the results of soil sampling from 11 boring locations analyzed for TPHs and BTEX using photo-ionization, Eco is preparing a conceptual model and high-level-of-confidence Remedial Action Plan for this site.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control – Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for OCTA,
Orange County, CA:

Eco produced a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for each of 14 properties within the OCTA Environmental Mitigation Program. The properties identified are located in Orange County, California. Eco conducted each of the Phase I environmental site assessments (ESA) on behalf of Paragon Partners, Ltd. (Paragon). The purpose of the investigation was to gather sufficient information to develop an independent professional opinion about the environmental condition of the parcels and to identify actual or potential environmental contamination impacting the sites.

Project Manager – Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base,
Los Alamitos, CA:

The JFTB is located in the city of Los Alamitos, California in northwestern Orange County in the Los Angeles basin of southern California. Dr. Fiuzat provided management for the location and removal of USTs from the site, as well as the removal of impacted soils surrounding the tanks. Tasks included removal and capping of electrical lines and piping, UST cleaning and removal, confirmation soil sampling and analysis, suppression of odor/vapor emissions, decontamination procedures, and management of investigation-derived wastes.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control – Asbestos, Lead, Mercury, and PCBs, Buildings Survey for March Air Reserve Base (MARB), Riverside County, CA:
Eco was retained by USACE, Los Angeles District, to conduct an asbestos, lead, mercury, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) survey at four buildings within the March Air Reserve Base (MARB) in Riverside County, California. The goal of this project was to assess the likelihood that asbestos was present in concentrations greater than 1 percent in suspect, accessible construction materials in the buildings and whether lead was present on the painted surfaces of the site buildings at concentrations greater than or equal to 1.0 mg/cm2 using a portable, XRF analyzer. In addition, inventory of MCM and PCB materials at the sites was provided. A minimal intrusive sampling technique to sample suspect construction materials was used for one occupied building. An abatement priority system was developed to delineate the condition of various materials reported to contain asbestos. Results provided the likelihood of contaminated materials and the appropriate (according to regulatory standards) precaution/ procedures as well as the possible need for further investigation.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control – Temple Avenue 4th Rail ACE Project,
Pomona, CA:

Eco was subcontracted by Paragon Partners, Ltd. to perform environmental studies at planned construction areas within the Union Pacific Railroad corridor included in the Alameda Corridor East (ACE) construction project. The ACE project consists of railroad improvements along approximately 2.5 miles of railroad corridor in the City of Pomona, California. The site consists of 37 right-of-way takings planned for temporary or permanent easements.