Design and Build 1 Megawatt Wind Turbine for US Army Corps
Ft Huachuca, AZ

- Preparation of Workplans
- Acquisition of Wind Turbine
- Concrete foundation design
- Grading and pad construction
- Turbine installation
- Schedule and Updates
- Coordination of Reviews, Meetings and Document Submittals
The project consists of the design and building of a foundation system, and the design procurement and installation of a 1 MW wind turbine at Fort Huachuca, Arizona.
Eco provided evaluation of subsurface conditions at the planned turbine location to provide recommendations and/or discussion for foundation design parameters, lateral earth pressures, earthwork, drainage, seismic considerations, corrosivity, and excavation conditions.
Structural calculations and drawings were provided for one shallow or deepened foundation design of a 60-meter 1 MW wind turbine to be installed at the Site. Eco provided communication with soils engineers and the turbine supplier to request any soils, tower, or turbine information needed to adequately design the foundation.
All supervision, labor, equipment, materials, and supplies were the responsibility of Eco. Eco worked to obtain the 1 MW wind turbine as specified by USACE, including ordering, obtaining delivery, and installing the turbine on the foundation at the site as approved by USACE.